Group Offerings

Return to You Retreat: 13-15 September 2024

Return home to you with this empowering and heart connecting weekend retreat

Return to You Retreat: 13-15 September 2024

Join me in this luxury sea-side house for a weekend of meditation, movement, empowering activities and practices that will guide you back home to you.

Over 3 days & 2 nights you will be free of distraction to fully immerse yourself into honouring you, connecting to self, releasing what no longer services and opening yourself to inner awareness, as well as having some time to relax and reflect.

Powerful transformations happen on retreat with feedback such as “Totally recommend for anyone wanting to seek changes in their life and implement them and to learn the tools to do so.” or “I loved that a safe place was created to talk open, and honest with each other.”

Magic happens on retreat with me, you don’t want to miss this if you are looking for the magic to happen within you.

Retreat Details and Reserve Your Spot Here

Details: 4pm Arrival Friday 13th September, 3pm departure Sunday 15th September
Location: Callala Bay

Exchange: from $650 per person

Journal to Self-Discovery: 7 May 2024

Join this powerful journaling program designed to take you from feeling lost, overwhelmed and unsure of who you are.  Overcome that feeling of being disconnected from your true self, your soul energy.

Designed to help you discover who you are again as you move through life and navigate the changes that come.  Be they motherhood, relationship, career, if you feel like you have lost your identity, your spark, this program is for you.

Reconnect with your love of life, move away from feeling like you are just going through the motions.  Discover what it is that you want, what fires you up, who you are outside of the role/s you have been assigned by others or fallen into without keeping the essence of you alive.  Journal your way back to falling in love with you!

More details & book your spot here

Details: weekly online sessions commencing Tuesday 7 May 2024 at 7.30pm, finishing on Tuesday 25 June 2024.  
Location: Online

Exchange: $222 per person (limited to 10 spots)

It's time to be your best - Contact me today

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